Translation services
About translation, do you have the following troubles?
Language barriers and incapability for communication
Unprofessional translation and fewer orders
Delayed translation and frequent order loss
Single market and small client group
Poor translation quality and low cost performance
Unguaranteed after-sales service and more cost
Professional translation -- Look for Brighttrans
Brighttrans is a formal translation company, and can provide higher cost performance while ensuring quality
Professional translation team
Professional translation team
The project team is made up of management experts certified by the PMI in the United States and senior translators, and is responsible for translation quality.
Timely translation delivery
Timely translation delivery
Brighttrans has a systematic translation process, and can deliver the translation more efficiently while ensuring quality
Better cost performance
Better cost performance
We reject malicious competition and provide lower cost and better cost performance with the same service
Professional translation team
Professional translation team
The project team is made up of management experts certified by the PMI in the United States and senior translators, and is responsible for translation quality.
Timely translation delivery
Timely translation delivery
Brighttrans has a systematic translation process, and can deliver the translation more efficiently while ensuring quality
Better cost performance
Better cost performance
We reject malicious competition and provide lower cost and better cost performance with the same service
Bilan Translation Price (1000-character Chinese/RMB)
質量等級 | 標準級 | 專業級 | 出版級 |
需求描述 | 用詞精準性語言流暢 | 個人或公司商務資料文件 | 滿足有公開受眾的翻譯需求 |
適用于 | 簡歷/網站/書籍內容/商務文件等 | 專業文件/技術文件/合同標書 宣傳/技術手冊/使用說明書等 | 書籍出版/專業論文等 |
生產流程 | 中級譯員主譯+校對+排版 | 高級譯員主譯+高級審校/QA+專業排版 | 專家譯員主譯+專家審校/QA+專業排版 |
專業詞匯比例 | 5%-10% | 15%-30% | ≤50% |
質量標準 | 綜合誤差率<1% | 術語統一綜合誤差率<0.5% | 語言嚴謹綜合誤差率<0.1% |
不適用 | 專業文件/技術文件/合同標書宣傳/技術手冊/說明書等專業領域 | 書籍出版以及需要發表的專業論文等專業領域 | 針對重要公開受眾的發言/演講/聲明/介紹等 |
2.字數計算辦法:中文原稿:以 Microsoft Word 菜單“工具”->“字數計算”所顯示的字符數(不計空格)為準;外文原稿以 Microsoft Word 菜單“工具”->“字數計算”所顯示的實際中文字數為準。
Translation quotation (unit: yuan / person / 8 hours)
口譯類型 | 商務口譯報價 | 商務談判口譯報價 | 交替傳譯報價 | 同聲傳譯報價 |
適用場景 | 參觀考察/文化交流設備安裝/技術培訓 | 商務洽談/各類型會議等 | 會議人數在20人以上小型論壇/發布會 | 各類型國際會議,如行業論壇、高峰對話國際合作、會議研討、新聞發布 |
英語 | 1600-2200 | 2500-2800 | 3800 | 6500-7000 |
日/韓語 | 2200 | 2800 | 3800 | 6500-7000 |
德/法/俄語 | 2500-3000 | 3200 | 4500 | 7500-8000 |
意/葡/西語 | 2500-3000 | 3200 | 4500 | 8000-8600 |
其他小語種 | 3000-3500 | 4500 | 6000 | 10000 |
預約周期 | 提前7天 | 提前7天 | 提前15天 | 提前20天 |
Bilan's Advantage in Translation
比藍翻譯公司 | 個人 | 小型翻譯團隊 | 一般翻譯公司 |
√ 具備相關口譯資格證書 | 待查證 | 待查證 | 有 |
√ 公司規范管理成本 | 無 | 少量 | 有 |
√ 實現跨地區服務能力 | 需額外支付旅差費用 | 資源不足 | 資源不足時需增加差旅費用 |
√ 嚴格的商業安全、保密措施 | 無 | 無 | 少有 |
√ 允許客戶臨時改變行程或日程 | 可以 | 無法滿足 | 資源不足時可能無法滿足 |
√ 專門資深人事經理項目跟蹤 | 無 | 無 | 少有 |
√ 簽訂正式合同、開具商業發票 | 無 | 待查證 | 有 |
Professional translators look for blue, we grow with you
We regard word of mouth as life, customer satisfaction rate is 99%
| 军事| 贡嘎县| 中方县| 张北县| 阳东县| 高平市| 商洛市| 崇阳县| 深泽县| 瓦房店市| 柘荣县| 南丰县| 铜川市| 泊头市| 清河县| 乌拉特后旗| 承德市| 台江县| 西平县| 嘉鱼县| 阿拉善右旗| 清流县| 乐都县| 慈溪市| 乌鲁木齐市| 平昌县| 东城区| 博客| 青州市| 尼玛县| 琼中| 泾源县| 泾阳县| 台安县| 登封市| 建水县| 安阳市| 万安县| 郧西县| 无为县|